Conference Russian Arbitration Day 2025

«New Horizons of International Arbitration. Issue 3”»

Published within RAD 2015, edited by Asoskov А.V., Muranov А.I., Khodykin R.М. The digest includes the following articles (presented alphabetically):

Davydenko D.L. “International Enforceability of Settlement Agreements in the Form of Arbitral Awards on Agreed Terms”;

Fedotova Е.А. “Emergency Arbitrator Mechanism: Overseas Experience and Russian Legislation on Arbitration”;

van Haersolte-van-Hof Jacomijn J. “London Court of International Arbitration: Current Challenges and Opportunities”;

Kalinin М.S. “Effect of the Arbitration Agreement in Respect of Non-Signatories”;

Muranov А.I. “Totems и Taboos in Arbitration: Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 30-П on Arbitrators’ Objective Impartiality and Independence”;

Mutay I.М., Billebru Е.V. “Selecting the Arbitration Forum for Dispute Resolution in Light of Sanctions Imposed Against Russia”;

Pentsov D.А. "The Liability of the State for Actions of a State Agent Involved in International Joint Venture”;

Phillips К. “Asia’s Arbitration Centres: Credible Alternatives for Russian Parties?”;

Plokhenko Е.V. “Planning on Investor Nationality: Restoring the Balance between the Rights of Foreign Investors and Soreveign States”;

Rovine А., Chinn C. “Balancing the State’s Regulatory Rights with the Investor’s Jurisdictional Rights in International Arbitration”;

Scherer М. “Transparency in International Investment Arbitration”;

Suspitsyna I.I. “Parties’ Bad Faith Conduct in Resolving Disputes in International Arbitration and Allocation of Arbitration Costs”;

Vishnevskaya О.А. “Anti-suit Injunctions in International Commercial Arbitration: Admissibility Issues”;

Vyalkov А.V. “Anti-suit Injunctions from the Standpoint of Russian Law”;

Yarkov V.V. “Impartiality in State Courts and Arbitration: Comparative Analysis”.