This offer is an offer of Legal Academy Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as the Provider) to all persons interested in participating in the event (hereinafter the Participant), organized by the Provider independently or jointly with third parties (hereinafter the Event), to conclude a Service Agreement (hereinafter the Agreement) to ensure participation in the Event on the terms and conditions set out below.
The Participant accepts the Provider’s offer by paying in advance in full (100%) for the Provider’s services, in respect of which the Agreement is concluded, which leads to the conclusion of the Agreement between the Participant and the Provider in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
The opportunity to conclude the Agreement shall be provided only to the Participants who have registered on the Legal Academy Information Portal located on the Internet at the following address: (hereinafter the ‘Website’) (hereinafter collectively the Information Portal). Participants under 18 years of age may enter into the Agreement only with the consent of their legal representatives.
Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
1.1. In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the Provider renders a service to ensure the Participant’s participation in the Event, the description (date, venue, etc.) and preliminary program of which are published by the Provider on the Information Portal, in accordance with the participation package selected and paid by the Participant (hereinafter the Service). The Provider reserves the right to make any changes to the Event program.
1.2. The terms and conditions corresponding to each participation package are published on the Information Portal. The participation package is selected by the Participant by performing a number of technical actions on the Information Portal.
1.3. The Service is considered to have been provided on the day of the Event. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Provider shall not be liable for the Participant’s refusal to participate in the Event for any reasons beyond the Provider’s control (e.g. the Participant’s failure to attend the Event, leaving the venue of the Event before its completion, etc.).
1.4. In order to provide the Participant with necessary and reliable information about the service rendered to him/her under this Agreement, the Provider shall, from time to time, send the Participant information about the Event, including changes/additions to its program, about the functions/services of the Information Portal available to the Participant, their updating, replenishment/additions, modernization and other changes occurring on the Information Portal, as well as about the events and promotions held by the Provider, in the manner prescribed by clause 3.5 of the Agreement.
2.1. The cost of the service (participation package) is indicated on the Information Portal on the page of registration (purchase) of participation in the relevant Event. When paying the cost of the service, the Participant unconditionally agrees to the cost of such service.
2.2. The cost of the service is set in Russian rubles; VAT is not taxable due to the use of the simplified taxation system by the Provider. Payment for the service shall be made by the Participant on the terms of 100% advance payment by one of the following non-cash payment methods:
• by means of international payment systems: Visa International, MasterCard Worldwide, American Express, JCB, DC;
• by other methods specified on the Information Portal.
The Participant can see all valid payment methods on the Information Portal on the page of registration (purchase) of participation in the Event.
Payment for the service cannot be made in installments, using several payment methods, unless otherwise provided at the Information Portal.
Payment for the service via Visa International, MasterCard Worldwide, American Express, JCB, or DC is a free method of payment for the service under the Agreement. When paying for the service using other payment methods it is possible that a commission fee is changed by the entities providing the payments. When paying for the service using other payment methods, the Participant shall bear the costs of making such payments. The Participant hereby consents to the payment of commissions to third parties providing payment for services.
2.3. The Participant’s obligation to pay for the service shall be deemed to be duly fulfilled from the moment the fact of payment for the service is reflected in the Provider’s electronic payment accounting system.
2.4. Any payment made on behalf of the Participant and/or using the Participant’s payment details/means shall be deemed to be made by the Participant.
2.5. When paying for the service, the Participant confirms that he/she fully realizes, understands and accepts the terms and conditions of the Agreement, as well as understands and agrees that the service is available to him/her and is provided only on the territory of the Russian Federation.
2.6. If the Participant cancels the service, the refund to the Participant shall be made as follows:
• if the cancellation of the service is received no later than 5 (five) working days before the Event, the funds shall be refunded in the amount of 80% of the cost of the service paid by the Participant;
• if the cancellation of the service is received less than 5 (five) working days before the Event, the funds shall not be refunded.
The monetary funds withheld by the Provider shall be recognized by the Parties as compensation for the expenses actually incurred by the Provider for the provision of the service. The Parties recognize that the said amount of compensation is commensurate with the expenses incurred by the Provider and shall not be subject to proof in the event of any disputes.
3.1. This Agreement shall remain in force until the Parties fulfill their obligations in full.
3.2. The Parties shall be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation on the issues of execution of this Agreement, which are not stipulated by the Agreement.
3.3. By agreeing to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Participant certifies and guarantees: the reliability of the information provided by him/her when registering on the Website; the voluntariness of the conclusion of the Agreement, including familiarization with all the terms and conditions of the offer, their understanding and full and unconditional agreement with them; the presence of the consent of legal representatives, in cases stipulated by the current legislation; gives consent to the processing of his/her personal data in accordance with the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 No 152-FZ ‘On Personal Data’ and the Privacy Policy both with the use of automated means of personal data processing and without the use of automation means.
3.4. All disputes, disagreements and claims that may arise in connection with the performance of the Agreement shall be settled by means of complaint procedure. The Party that considers its rights violated shall send a claim to the other Party to the e-mail address specifying the arisen disagreements. If the dispute is not settled within 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt of the claim by the party, the dispute shall be referred to the state court of the Russian Federation at the location of the Provider, unless otherwise stipulated by the current applicable legislation.
3.5. The information interaction between the Participant and the Provider under this Agreement may be carried out, among other things, using the services of the Information Portal or by e-mail. The Provider’s e‑mail address is specified in the Agreement; the Participant’s e-mail address is specified by the Participant when registering at the Information Portal. The Parties have agreed to apply the rules of simple electronic signature to the relations on transmission and reception of notifications, messages, and documents using the services of the Information Portal and/or by e-mail, considering as such the user accounts on the Information Portal and the corresponding e-mail addresses, since access to the Information Portal and e-mail is provided by means of login and/or password (access code), and equating such electronic signature to the analogue of the handwritten signature of the Participant and the Provider.
Actions performed on the Information Portal after the Participant’s authorization shall be deemed to be the Participant’s actions.
3.6. Documents related to the Agreement may be transferred by the Parties to each other in accordance with the procedure stipulated in clause 3.5 of the Agreement. In addition to the above, in accordance with clause 2 of Article 160 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the signatures of authorized persons may be facsimile reproduced on documents that are mandatory and necessary for the performance of the Agreement by means of mechanical or other copying or other analogue of handwritten signature (using ‘facsimile’, ‘cliché’, ‘scanned image’), except for documents, the facsimile reproduction of signatures on which is prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation (namely: powers of attorney). A signature reproduced by means of a facsimile, cliché or scanned image shall have the same force as a handwritten signature of an authorized person. The Parties have no right to refer to invalidity of the document signed by means of ‘facsimile’, ‘cliché’, ‘scanned image’.
3.7. Special conditions: advertising of the Participant or third parties is not allowed in the territory of the Event. If the Participant distributes advertising and information materials (including booklets, brochures, other printed materials, etc.) of the Participant or third parties in the venue of the Event, the Provider shall have the right to unilaterally withdraw from the fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement without refunding the money paid by the Participant under the Agreement and reimbursement of losses incurred by the Participant in connection with the Provider's withdrawal from the Agreement.
Full name: Legal Academy Limited Liability Company
Short name: Legal Academy, LLC
Address: 191002, Saint Petersburg, ext. ter. MD Vladimirsky District, Fontanka Embankment 50, lit. E, suites 1N, 2N, office 108
phone/fax + 7 (812) 449 36 21
TIN 7840511148/ TCC 784001001
PSRN 1147847281823
Acc. No 40702810432000004305
BIK 044030786
Cor. acc: 30101810600000000786
Regarding general matters: or