1.1. The present Privacy Policy (hereafter referred to as “Policy”) is adopted by Legal Academy Limited Liability Company (main state registration number 1147847281823, registered at 191002, Saint Petersburg, ext. ter. MD Vladimirsky District, Fontanka Embankment 50, lit. E, suites 1N, 2N, office 108) (hereinafter referred to as “Operator”) in accordance with the Federal Law On Personal Data No. 152-FZ dd. 27.07.2006 in order to establish the procedure for processing personal data of the Information Portal users (hereinafter referred to as “User”).
1.2. Terms not defined in the present Policy shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms in the Information Portal Terms of Use.
1.3. Use of certain sections of the Information Portal or its individual services may require provision of User's personal data to Operator. In such case, use of the Information Portal and its services requires prior familiarization with the present Policy and expression of User’s consent with the Policy. Provision of the User's personal data to Operator shall be considered an expression of consent to the processing of his/her personal data in the manner set out in the present Policy.
1.4. In case of disagreement with the terms of the present Policy, User is obliged to stop using the Information Portal and its services that require provision of personal data to Operator.
1.5. Operator shall have the right to alter the present Policy at any time. The new edition of the Policy comes into force from the date of its posting on the Website. User shall follow updates of the Policy on the Website.
1.6. Operator does not control and is not responsible for third-party websites which User can access through links provided on the Website. Relations of User and third parties regarding the protection of personal data provided by User to third parties are regulated by User and such third parties separately.
2.1. By providing Operator with his personal data User gives Operator consent to processing of any and all personal data that User enters via the registration form on the Website or otherwise transmits to Operator, as well as any and all of User's personal data which Operator obtains itself through User's access to the Information Portal, including, without limitation:
(i) Surname, first name, middle name, identity document details, registered address;
(ii) E-mail address, phone number for communication, correspondence address;
(iii) Images;
(iv) Addresses of personal pages in social media;
(v) Education details, academic degree;
(vi) Occupational information: job title, name of organization in which User is occupied, etc.;
(vii) User's login and password for access to the User account (User's individual interactive web-page on the Website);
(viii) information about the contact person (if the User intends to interact with the Operator through his/her contact person);
(ix) Information about the IP-address of User's device and the program through which User accesses the Information Portal, as well as cookies and history of all User's actions on the Website.
3.1. Operator processes only the personal data necessary for the use of the Information Portal and its services by User (in accordance with the Information Portal Terms of Use), as well as the provision of other services by the Operator).
3.2. Operator processes User's personal data for the following purposes:
(i) User's identification (confirmation of the User's identity) in order for his/her to enter into contracts for the provision of services with the Operator;
(ii) Provision of services by the Operator to the User, including providing the User with personalized access to the Information Portal and its services;
(iii) Interaction with User, including sending information and advertising messages (about promotions, personal offers, etc.), notifications, inquiries, surveys (questionnaires) and other messages;
(iv) Conducting statistical, marketing and other studies using depersonalized data.
4.1. By providing Operator with his personal data User gives Operator consent to process personal data in any way with or without automated tools, including, but not limited to: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, modification), extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, removal and deleting of Users personal data.
5.1. Certain ways of using the Information Portal and its individual services may require the provision (access) of personal data to third parties. By choosing such methods of using the Information Portal and its individual services, User agrees to the transfer of personal data to third parties.
In particular, using the services of Information Portal, providing participation of the User in the events held by the Operator (including, by organizing registration for the event through the Website, by providing remote access to the event through the Website, etc.), the User agrees to:
(i) Transfer of the User's personal data to third parties, acting as co-organizers of the Operator’s events, in order to ensure the Use’s participation in the relevant events, as well as his/her information interaction with co-organizers of events. Information about the co-organizer(s) of each event of the Operator is posted on the Website and/or on the website of the respective event;
(ii) Disclosure and further use of the User's images (including photos and videos of the event which contain the Use’s image) as stipulated in clause 1 of Article 152.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
5.2. Certain applications of the Information Portal and its individual services imply distribution, i.e., disclosure to any number of unspecified persons, of some part of the User's general personal data (in particular, information about their first and last name, patronymic (if applicable), occupation, job title and name of the organisation where the User engages in professional activities, etc.). Any distribution of personal data of the User is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation in the field of personal data processing.
6.1. Operator processes User's personal data within the validity period of the User's account, created when the User passed the registration procedure on the Website.
7.1. User may at any time revoke the consent to the processing of personal data. To do that, User shall send a written withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data to Operator at the registered address. Upon receipt of such notification, Operator stops processing User's personal data excluding cases where processing of personal data without consent of its subject is allowed by the legislation. Termination of personal data processing shall make certain sections and services of the Information Portal inaccessible to User.
8.1. When processing personal data the Operator is guided by Federal Law #152-FZ of 27.07.2006 "On Personal Data" as well as by other applicable legislation in the field of protection of personal data.
8.2. Protection of personal data processed by the Operator is ensured by implementing legal, organizational and technical measures necessary and sufficient to ensure the requirements of personal data legislation, in particular, the Operator (i) appointed a person responsible for the organization of personal data processing; (ii) approved local regulations governing the processing of personal data, including this Privacy Policy; (iii) conducted familiarization of employees of the Operator, directly engaged in the processing of personal data, with the provisions of Russian legislation on personal data, including the requirements for the protection of personal data, documents that define the policy of the Operator in relation to the processing of personal data, local acts on the processing of personal data; (iv) established rules for access to personal data (personal data is available only to certain employees of the Operator); (v) established rules for storage of personal data (storage information (database) is organized on electronic media with a password; on paper - in locked cabinets); (vi) records of personal data storage media are kept; (vii) certified means of information protection are used; (viii) control over the measures used to ensure protection of personal data and their compliance with the requirements of applicable legislation in the field of personal data processing, this Privacy Policy and local regulations of the Operator in respect of personal data processing.
9.1. This Policy is governed and interpreted by the laws of the Russian Federation.
9.2. Any disputes arising out or in connection with this Policy shall be reviewed by the state court of the Russian Federation under the laws of the Russian Federation.
9.3. This Policy is adopted in the Russian language. This Policy may be translated into English for information purposes. In case of discrepancies between the texts of the Policy in Russian and in English, text in Russian shall prevail.