Conference Russian Arbitration Day 2025


Published within RAD 2022, Editor-in-Chief: Y.N. Mullina. The digest includes the following articles:

Jan Paulsson “The power of states to make meaningful promises to foreigners”;

Peter J. Pettibone “Implementing Arb-Med-Arb in an International Commercial Arbitration”;

Natalia S. Andreeva “The cooling-off period clause as a tool to melt the ice of silence in the investment dispute”;

Vadim S. Vunukainen «Exclusive jurisdiction of Russian courts regarding the disputes affected by sanctions: “that which is falling should also be pushed?”»;

Sergey D. Ivanov, Anton V. Shagalov “Practical consequences of the liquidation of the arbitral institution”;

Maxim D. Kuzmin “Law applicable to the arbitration agreement: current trends and challenges”;

Dmitry A. Pentsov «The concept of “investment” in the era of digital economy».